Cleaner & Industrial Surfactant Labs
The chemists in the Cleaner and Industrial Surfactant Laboratories at PCC Chemax hold over 25 years of cutting edge product development and problem solving history. The vast number of raw materials and industry experience enable the development of products which meet functional requirements, economic constraints and customer expectations.
Optimal surface tension reduction can be identified by using the SensaDyne Tensiometer in conjunction with traditional cloud point determinations. These parameters in combination with foam profile and builder compatibility are the integral base for building an efficient cleaner package for any hard surface application.
Brookfield Viscometer determinations are used to assure proper handling of our raw materials as well as meeting customer requirements for cleaner concentrates and RTU formulations. Our FT IR is critical in monitoring product quality during scale up of new products as well as assisting customers in identifying problematic raw materials. From product development to technical service, each customer is afforded the comprehensive technical resources provided by PCC Chemax Laboratories.